Irrigation systems are grouped into two major categories namely pressure and gravitational. Keywords: Network, Microcontroller, Conservation, Global system for mobile communication. New technologies help in increasing productivity with use of less manpower as well as conservation of water in the process.

Using DTMF 8870 IC will act as an interface between the user and the system as it is a receiver which links the GSM network, the microcontroller pic16f73 contains the software which states the conditions of the system which can be displayed in a liquid crystal display and transmitted via mobile phone to the dual tone multiple frequency receiver which is part of the control system in the farm. Since PCB making is a big process and involves a number of machineries which are expensive and was therefore outsourced. Protel or workbench schematic software is used for designing the circuit diagram for this project and express prefabricated circuit board (PCB) software is used for designing. This project used some of the softwares like basic language for programming the application software to the microcontroller and visual basic for interfacing the hardware and mobile phone. The design portion involves mainly a global system for mobile communication and a control circuitry with a microcontroller. This project is based on moisture sensor used to measure humidity content in the soil. When we enter the acquired parameter values in the soil test blogs, the webpage shows the suggestions of pesticides and crops that need to be taken by the farmer to increase the yield.1.0.6 SIGNIFICANCE AND CONTRIBUTION OF THE PROJECTĢ.0.4 PROCEDURES FOLLOWED IN DESIGNING THE SYSTEMĢ.0.5 IDENTIFICATION OF MEASURABLE VARIABLESĢ.0.6 IDENTIFICATION OF THE HARDWARE AND SOFTWAREĬHAPTER 6 CONCLUSSION AND RECOMMENDATIONSĪPPENDIX B: N-CHANNEL ENHANCEMENT MODE FET 2N7000ĪPPENDIX C: 3 TERMINAL VOLTAGE REGULATOR LM7805ĪPPENDIX D: NPN SWITCHING TRANSISTORS 2N2222ĪPPENDIX F: DTMF RECEIVER MT8870D/MT8870D-1 Raspberry Pi posts the received values on the webpage. The acquired temperature and moisture content of the soil are sent to Raspberry Pi using nRF24L01 transceiver. The motor is also automatically controlled ON and OFF, when the 3-phase supply is present in the field and also with the flow of water.

The proposed system checks the temperature and moisture content present in the soil. In this paper a web based smart irrigation system using Raspberry Pi is implemented.

The conventional irrigation techniques have some problems like farmer should visit the field regularly even at night, then he may face some hazards like snake bite, electric shock and etc. Nowadays the ground water levels are also decreased due to global warming and uncertain rain fall. The major population of India mainly depends upon Agriculture.